Introduction to breeding rope

Farming rope is made from a kind of plant skin called hemp which is treated into fibers. The finished product is used in every aspect of our life.

The main characteristics of the breeding rope are anti-corrosion, wear resistance, toughness, anti-aging, tensile resistance, woven products with good air permeability, long life, suitable for a variety of uses.There are a variety of finished products, suitable for agriculture, fishing, water aquaculture, clothing industry, shoe industry, car interior industry and other occasions.I believe that many friends who have used the polypropylene rope know that the breeding rope will break the rope after being placed for a long time. What is the reason for this phenomenon?

Breeding rope belongs to plastic rope, plastic products are afraid of the shortcomings of any manufacturer can not avoid.We can only make up for this in other ways, such as placing the polypropylene rope in a cool, dry place and reducing the direct exposure of the polypropylene rope to sunlight.The phenomenon of polypropylene rope fracture is mainly because the polypropylene rope is stained with corrosive liquids such as mud and water in use. After we use it, we need to clean it with clean water to prevent corrosion from long-term storage.After that, wrap the polypropylene rope and store it in a dry and cool place.This way of preservation is not only conducive to the use of polypropylene rope, and will not make the polypropylene rope broken phenomenon, durable.

Post time: Jul-09-2021